Ignoring Fish Tales, and Learning to Fish
“ Give a man a fish and feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime .” History shows that the United States stands for two things—individual freedom to achieve and a willingness to lend a hand. Our Judeo-Christian heritage created Americans who were rugged but compassionate individualists, people who worked hard, turned dreams into reality, and generously shared their good fortune. Such people were no more perfect or sinless than any other, but the prevailing American character was, for nearly 2 centuries, was an achiever who willingly sought to share, not just from his prosperity, but from its source in freedom and opportunity. Today, some heirs of such entrepreneurs like to deny the legacy of capitalism, liberty, and generosity. They remind me of the story about a new minister who visited a farmer in his congregation. As he took in the bountiful fields and evident prosperity, the minister remarked, “God has given you a wonderful farm.” The man...