Living in the Real World
I have enjoyed escaping the real world into fiction, all my life. I having been reading science fiction, fantasy, mysteries, adventure, and suspense for entertainment and diversion from the moment I learned to read. I enjoy other world in good movies, television, and animation, and sometimes even some that aren ’t so good, but I avoid message movies, unreal reality shows, and tortured relationship stories, which often pose as reality but are anything but. One thing always remains clear to me: I know what isn ’t real! I may enjoy fantasy, but I prefer to live in reality, harsh as it may be, at times. Are people losing touch with the real world, ignoring truth for fantasy? Of course, the idea that a person can choose their reality is the very nature of “ postmodernism ,” prevalent in our culture. It makes an intriguing philosophical premise, but one not so useful in the real world. Our choice doesn ’t change reality, and I doubt that many people actually think it does....