
Showing posts from October, 2008

Civility: A Bedrock Value

Civilization is impossible without the “civil.” Civility is critical for a large number of people to live close together, especially today where fast, cheap travel and easy communication brings us even closer. Sadly, our shrinking world seems to be growing less civil. Intense rivalries, huge infusions of money, and perpetual competition have overshadowed sportsmanship, the civility that once ruled athletics. Biased media and an endless assortment of talk shows “amuse” us with angry guests and promote spite and vitriol among viewers and callers. Campaigning and party politics, never shy of distortion or untruth, once had a sense of “civil service,” well-mannered conduct among “respected colleagues” and statesmanship among those who at least called their rivals “the gentlemen (or women) across the aisle.” Today winning seems to be everything. Is it any wonder that civil discourse is becoming an increasing rarity today? What is causing this degeneration of civilized behavior? P...