
Showing posts from April, 2009

Jefferson Had it Right!

--> Capitalism and Individual Liberty Work Government Control Does Not! (Originally posted in 2009, updated 03/05/19 for bad links and dated information) Thomas Jefferson was a great man although many Americans, especially those taught in our government schools, don't know much about him. A “founding father,” principle author of the Declaration of Independence, and our third President, he shaped many of the ideas that made this a nation of individual liberty, religious freedom, and republican democracy. Jefferson wrote in his Autobiography , “ Were we directed from Washington when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread .” If only the voting citizens of the United States understood the prophetic truth in that statement! The Democrat Party, increasingly a socialist party, under the leadership of a restored majority in the House and with the urgency of a relentless hatred for this President , is working very hard to run everything in this count...