The Greedy Hand of Government
Thomas Paine said, "Beware the greedy hand of government, thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry." Too bad we have ignored his wisdom, as we have ignored the collected wisdom of our founders. Of course, most taught in public schools never hear much of what our founders believed, those who fought to create this nation where every person was understood to be free as a natural gift from God. Instead, people have turned to government for just about everything, and the "greedy hand of government" is more than willing to "provide." Except that that greedy hand is better at taking than providing, after using the rhetoric of promise, hope, and change. Our government with a totally unopposed Democrat majority and Democrat President has worked overtime to take as much as possible as quickly as possible. Nearly every Congressman and Senator should be put out of office for the worst kind of malfeasance, after passing the huge "stimulus plan...