Just Shoot the Messenger: Avoiding the Real Issues
A person who attacks the character of a person who holds a contrary opinion proves that he or she is unable or unwilling to defend his or her own opinion. It's actually quite childish (Remember: "You mother wears army boots?"). The most vivid example of this pathetic behavior is the current cascade of claims that opponents of nationalized healthcare are racists, itself a subset of the idea that anyone who disagrees with our first black President is a racist. The intent is to scare “unbelievers” into accept of ideas they despise, ideas, not people or races. Personally, I am disgusted by those (Democrats and fellow travelers) who continue to accuse people like me of being a racist. I tutor refugees, mostly young people from Asia, Africa, and Latin America. My experience suggests that those who dominate education, media, and government are the real racists because they treat my students poorly. Most significant is their opposition to making English language instruc...