Idealism, Utopianism, and Inescapable Reality
We have numerous reminders to indicate that we live in an imperfect world , starting with expressions like, “Nobody's perfect.” Thinking about half full or half empty glasses certainly suggests that we must deal with glasses that are often less than full; in other words, too often in life something is missing . The often uttered words, “I'm bored,” is another hint that things are less than pleasing, somehow, far too much of the time. If such ordinary reminders weren't enough, one need only to recall the news headline to know that this world is messed up, not just the United States but everywhere. The reality is troubling to many youth, who are idealists by nature. Unless their sense of rightness has already been disturbed by tragedy, injury, illness, or abuse, it is natural for the young to expect things to be good, right, or at least pleasant. No one intends to mislead them; adults just try to save the ugliness for a later moment. We use euphemisms for death: ...