
Showing posts from February, 2019

Hypocrites Cannot Be Trusted

( I recently began a post on this topic but found this 12-year-old article from June 04, 2007.  As the site where I had posted it is no longer available, I am re-posting after updating it.  BTW several of the links no longer work, and I will fix them as I have opportunity ) My aunt, just a few months older that I, had a high school gym teacher who told her students, “Do as I say, not as I do.” My Dad struggled with his weight, and our family doctor, who was himself a big man, told him what kind of exercise he should practice: “Just push yourself away from the table.” Ha! Ha! Very funny. What do we say to a doctor who tells a patient to do what he clearly does not? We have a word for people who say one thing but themselves do something else: hypocrite! What is a hypocrite ? 1) a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs; a person...

Where Are the Skeptics?

“ Cogito, ergo sum” is a Latin philosophical proposition by René Descartes, which in English is " I think, therefore I am. " I recently saw a t-shirt with “ I think, therefore I am a conservative,” and as I considered that , came up with, “I think, therefore I ask questions, doubt almost everyone, and verify or validate what they write or say. I am an intelligent skeptic, and you should be, too. I originally posted this on October 29, 2007 on another site, which I no longer use, so I apologize if I leave in something dated that you missed or forgot. Do you get as annoyed as I do with the extent to which the government fails to protect our privacy? Have you considered just how ironic and hypocritical the presumed effort is? After all, many in our government want very much to look after us, in every detail of our lives, and many of the citizenry appear to be ready to permit them to do so. How can it look after us as some omnipotent nanny and, at the same time, no...


I object to busybodies, meddlers, and manipulators; I think most people do...or should. Now, I will attempt here to avoid any provocative political or ideological words, and I apologize, in advance, if I should fail to do so. I believe in freedom, personal liberty, with as little outside interference as can be arranged. I resent busybodies, however well meaning they may perceive themselves to be. I include those high-minded types who would fix things in our society, first because they readily, eagerly, and progressively interfere with my liberty and the liberties of my fellow citizens. Secondly, I object to them because I don't believe the problems of sin—and that is generally pretty much everything—can be fixed from the top down. I also object to those disingenuous phonies, wolves in sheep's clothing, who pretend to care about social ills but only seek to use them to gain money and power. They encourage and use the meddlers to reach their own selfish goals; naïve medd...