The Good Life: You Can’t have it Both Ways!
What is more important to you? Do you want the government to provide and guarantee security, money, health care, and every other blessing of what we call the Good Life? Or, do you want freedom, privacy, the right to make your own choices, and the chance to create the Good Life as you imagine it? Many people, especially younger people, want to have both—all the things they need and want and the privacy and unrestricted freedom to enjoy them. Guess what? You can’t have it both ways! Furthermore, the choice we make as citizens and voters may define the very future of the United States , a future that could conceivably be unlike anyone’s vision of the Good Life. I know that many people in our country just want to live their lives and not be bothered by politics. They generally ignore the news, unless it’s celebrity gossip or just happens to involve them directly. I think Christians may often have the same attitude, even if their pastors try to motivate them to be comp...