Off the Deep End

I am not a Republican although I have been in the past. I was actually a precinct delegate for a couple of years during the Reagan Revolution. Like many others, I sought to give a voice to my convictions. I experienced, first hand, the hostility of the so-called moderates, whom we had displaced from controlling the party in this state and throughout most of the country. As citizens, we have the right to engage actively in the political process. Today, however, the GOP has not represented my views and the views of many other social and economic conservatives very well. Many will be tempted not to vote or to vote against Republicans. I understand their feelings, but I hope they think carefully before doing either.

As we move toward the November elections, we get an eyeful and earful of campaign rhetoric. Frankly, I wish there were a law that required ads to be truthful, although I realize that “truth” is relative to most people. We could get rid of a great deal of the worst lies, if more voters simply checked the facts. For example, the favorite of anti-Bushites, “He lied about weapons of mass destruction” has been repeated so often that many believe it, despite the fact that Clinton, Kerry, and just about everyone else believed Saddam had them. In fact, he did have them, he used them, and he let his sons die rather than prove he didn’t have them.

Cal Thomas says it well. So does Star Parker. I wish we could send a number of Republicans a message to return to conservative ways without electing Democrats. Unfortunately, we cannot, and Democrats are generally the poorer choice. Here is why.

For some reason, I get e-mails from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Here is a list of some of the more ridiculous statements from various Democrats:

Al Gore (9/25/06): “History shows that the Bush administration's pattern of lies and deception cannot change reality…they are trying to deceive us that…tax cuts for the top one percent help ordinary families.” Well, guess what? They do! Tax cuts have primed the economy so well that federal tax income is up from businesses earning more, the stock market is breaking records, and unemployment is down. I live at a low-income level, and I support less taxation and reduced government spending. Rich people investing and spending their money is what makes a capitalistic economy work. It is what has made America prosperous.

Al Gore again: “We can choose to define our candidates before GOP operatives smear them with below the belt personal attacks and misrepresentations about their records. We can answer every Republican smear by telling every voter what Democrats really stand for. And we can implement the most comprehensive and aggressive voter contact program in history.” (1) The Democratic rhetoric regarding Mark Foley is the ultimate in “below the belt personal attacks,” in this case against GOP representatives, who themselves did nothing. Compare them to the those Democrats who supported Gerry Studds after he actually had sex with a page. His death, this past weekend, forces the review of his indiscretions, which were far worse than Foley’s. (2) I cannot tell what Democrats stand for except a desire to have power. They try to sound like moral conservatives, fiscal conservatives, and patriots strong on defense, but their record tends to contradict their words. Do you know what any candidate would do if elected? I know what I fear—higher taxes, more spending, an abrupt withdrawal from Iraq, open borders, universal health care, and more messes like Korea, which began under Clinton. They rarely make specific promises because we could hold them accountable, but they promise all sorts of vague improvements in life because “they care.”

Al Gore, once more: “Republicans will do anything to maintain their grip on power.” And Democrat will do anything to get their power back! I remind you that Republican Foley resigned, but Democrat Studds did note, his Democratic allies supported him, and he was even re-elected. Democrats are the party of a socialistic, centralized government that they want to control. Republicans, despite wasting more than they should, still stand for conservative principles and strong defense.

Hillary Rodham Clinton (9/19/06): “We know that our Republican opponents will try once again to pull out electoral victories behind an eleventh-hour wave of special interest cash…The Republicans will be tapping their special interest friends with near bottomless pockets to keep their majority in the Senate.” Of course, the Democrats do the same thing. Have you heard of George Soros? He’s one of those rich types that supposedly are all Republicans, but he spends a ton of money opposing Republicans. Are trials lawyers a special interest group? They make up a huge part of the Democratic Party, and their efforts have raised the cost of medical care, in particular, and cost us a loss of freedom as juries and judges decide what voters never would. Are radical environmentalists, gay marriage proponents, anti-war activists, pro-abortion supporters, and global-warming fear mongers special interests? They make their home in the Democratic camp.

Bill Clinton (9/14/06): “Instead of rubber-stamping extreme right wing judges, the Senate will be ready to confirm experienced, mainstream judges who will protect a woman's right to choose.” Do you want a reason to vote against every single Democrat? There it is. They consider originalist judges, those who actually base their decisions on the Constitution, as “extreme right-wing judges.” Do you favor abortion on demand, even up to the time when the baby could be born and live, then vote Democratic. In the next two years of Bush’s presidency, we may see another one or more Supreme Court justices retire or die. If the Democrats gain a majority in the Senate, then what kind of judge do you think they will approve as replacements?

Barack Obama (9/19/06): “We are the party that will guarantee every American an affordable, world-class, top-notch, life-long education - from early childhood to high school, from college to on-the-job training.” No, the Democrats are the party that has turned our children into citizens who cannot read, who cannot do math, who do not know our own American history, and who have to take remedial courses in college before they can begin college work. They are the party that supports colleges and universities filled with professors spouting anti-American rhetoric, with free speech chilling political correctness, and with left-leaning faculties who rarely allow a conservative professor to gain tenure. They are the party that will spend more to guarantee an education that is increasingly worthless!

Barack Obama, again: “They believe that government is the problem itself. That we're better off facing these challenges on our own.” He got this one right! The bigger and more costly the government gets, the less it succeeds in doing. The more the government tries to solve every problem, the less freedom each of us has, and the less chance we have of actually solving our problems and making our futures. The Democrats believe in socialism, but it has never worked. Concentrating money and power in Washington only guarantees more corruption. If you think that more taxes, more regulations, more bureaucracy, more pork-barrel spending, and more illegal immigrants getting social security will make this country better, then vote for them.

I believe in freedom—individual freedom, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom to own property; I believe in freedom from too much government and too high taxes. I believe in the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution, as it was written. I believe in a country that attracts people from everywhere else in the world to come here, learn English, and become citizens legally so they can enjoy the same freedoms. I believe in an America that wants to share its freedoms and prosperity with the rest of the world and protect itself and the victims of oppression from the blights of tyranny and terrorism. I don’t believe that is the agenda of the Democratic Party anymore. Do you?

Do you know someone on the fence? If you do, direct them here. Maybe a few comments like these will help change their minds.


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