Can Christians Be Leftist?
Is Any Ideology or Political Solution Compatible with Christianity? Can a Christian be a leftist, socialist, or a communist? Of course, a Christian can be anything politically, but in this case I wonder. I believe that the values on the left, of strong central government, high taxes, socialistic philosophies, and the resultant loss of freedom are essentially incompatible with Biblical Christianity. When I read recently, in a CT article on “emergent” Christians , that many young people in the movement like the author “lean left,” I was surprised and troubled. While I accept that postmodernism will affect Christians, especially young ones, it seems odd to me that they would trust government or politicians more than God’s people to do God’s work. As often with other non-traditional, nominally Christian viewpoints, I suspect that the roots of their thinking and the final authority for their convictions come from somewhere other than God. Other Christians that appear to “lean left” include ...