
Showing posts from 2009

Christmas Villains

There Had to Be a Herod Already nine years have passed since this sad scenario occurred: 'Tis such an unusual Christmas season when the Senate of the United States works right up to late Christmas Eve, not to give, but to take. Oh, they would tell the citizens they will give them health care, but this present is not a little like Pandora's Box, filled with all manner of bad things. The villain in the Christmas story is King Herod who, on hearing of the birth of the Messiah, sought to destroy his feared rival by killing every baby under 2 years old. How many more babies will die, funded by this health care bill's national abortion funding? Did the soldiers carrying out Herod's orders cringe to do their duty? Surely, the 60% or more 0f the American taxpayers, who regard abortion as destroying life, despise the thought of helping to pay for the executions. Who is Herod? Is it Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson, who sold his soul for his vote in support of the bill he...

Just Shoot the Messenger: Avoiding the Real Issues

A person who attacks the character of a person who holds a contrary opinion proves that he or she is unable or unwilling to defend his or her own opinion. It's actually quite childish (Remember: "You mother wears army boots?"). The most vivid example of this pathetic behavior is the current cascade of claims that opponents of nationalized healthcare are racists, itself a subset of the idea that anyone who disagrees with our first black President is a racist. The intent is to scare “unbelievers” into accept of ideas they despise, ideas, not people or races. Personally, I am disgusted by those (Democrats and fellow travelers) who continue to accuse people like me of being a racist. I tutor refugees, mostly young people from Asia, Africa, and Latin America. My experience suggests that those who dominate education, media, and government are the real racists because they treat my students poorly. Most significant is their opposition to making English language instruc...

The Greedy Hand of Government

Thomas Paine said, "Beware the greedy hand of government, thrusting itself into every corner and crevice of industry." Too bad we have ignored his wisdom, as we have ignored the collected wisdom of our founders. Of course, most taught in public schools never hear much of what our founders believed, those who fought to create this nation where every person was understood to be free as a natural gift from God. Instead, people have turned to government for just about everything, and the "greedy hand of government" is more than willing to "provide." Except that that greedy hand is better at taking than providing, after using the rhetoric of promise, hope, and change. Our government with a totally unopposed Democrat majority and Democrat President has worked overtime to take as much as possible as quickly as possible. Nearly every Congressman and Senator should be put out of office for the worst kind of malfeasance, after passing the huge "stimulus plan...

Jefferson Had it Right!

--> Capitalism and Individual Liberty Work Government Control Does Not! (Originally posted in 2009, updated 03/05/19 for bad links and dated information) Thomas Jefferson was a great man although many Americans, especially those taught in our government schools, don't know much about him. A “founding father,” principle author of the Declaration of Independence, and our third President, he shaped many of the ideas that made this a nation of individual liberty, religious freedom, and republican democracy. Jefferson wrote in his Autobiography , “ Were we directed from Washington when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread .” If only the voting citizens of the United States understood the prophetic truth in that statement! The Democrat Party, increasingly a socialist party, under the leadership of a restored majority in the House and with the urgency of a relentless hatred for this President , is working very hard to run everything in this count...

Neither Left Nor Right

"God's view of government dictates that it carries out a specified and limited role in human affairs. The church and civil government are made necessary by the same thing (sin), but do not have identical responsibilities (Matthew 22:15-21). The humanist view of the role of government is to perfect mankind. The Scriptural view of the role of government is to protect mankind. Throughout Scripture, God is clear that civil government is charged with a limited responsibility and that good leaders decide to take a Scriptural view of government's role. We also see in Scripture that God has a welfare plan—people are to look to the family, then the church, then the community (1 Timothy 5:3-16, Leviticus 19:9, 10, 23:22). The humanistic plan is publicly funded, coercive, and creates cycles of dependency. God's plan is community-oriented, voluntary, and empowers people."—Nathan Tabor "The most dangerous myth is the demagoguery that business can be made to pay a lar...