Christmas Villains

There Had to Be a Herod

Already nine years have passed since this sad scenario occurred:

'Tis such an unusual Christmas season when the Senate of the United States works right up to late Christmas Eve, not to give, but to take. Oh, they would tell the citizens they will give them health care, but this present is not a little like Pandora's Box, filled with all manner of bad things.

The villain in the Christmas story is King Herod who, on hearing of the birth of the Messiah, sought to destroy his feared rival by killing every baby under 2 years old. How many more babies will die, funded by this health care bill's national abortion funding? Did the soldiers carrying out Herod's orders cringe to do their duty? Surely, the 60% or more 0f the American taxpayers, who regard abortion as destroying life, despise the thought of helping to pay for the executions.

Who is Herod? Is it Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson, who sold his soul for his vote in support of the bill he had seemed so ardently to oppose, because of it's funding for abortion? His answer, in so many words, suggests that everyone in the Congress will yield his or her principles, for a price! Or Harry Reid, the majority leader of the Senate, is our Herod, orchestrating this power by the Democrat majority; never mind that an overwhelming majority of the American population oppose their tyranny. Led by Reid, the Democrats have voted down every effort to remove abortion from their health care overhaul.

Where does Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi fit in this Christmas story? Of course, the House's version is rather different, but still it takes the choice of health care away from the people. Using the excuse that some have no coverage, the plans in both House and Senate choose to take over the entire system, rather than finding a simple way to provide coverage to those without. Providing “universal coverage” for abortion is but one element of this beastly business, involving thousands of pages of legislation and untold numbers of unknown, unpredictably results between the intended and the unintended consequences.  Indeed, while the "known" aspects of this horror are terrible enough, Ms. Pelosi proclaims, "We must pass the bill in order to find out what is in it!"  While Pelosi has led the charge in pressing this agenda in the House, the Christmas story has no witch nor queen!

Ultimately, only one person qualifies to be Herod in this bizarre pageant. He is a President (Obama) who seems to despise both the nation and its Constitution, who befriends tyrants almost as if he admires them, and who has promised this abomination of a health care “reform” as a center piece of his administration. He looks forward to signing into law this bill with all its devastating provisions. His flagrant arm-twisting, abetted by Pelosi and Reid, demonstrate their utter contempt for the people and for genuine democracy.

A despised leader who will do anything to maintain his power—is that a better description of Herod or Barack Obama. Elected by a substantial majority with empty promises of hope and change, Obama's approval dropped to the lowest of any modern President by his first December. More than half of the people question his leadership, his effectiveness, his very competence, and the plainly fear the costs of what he has already done, trillions of dollars of debt, likely only to be worsened by this health care debacle, to say nothing of his intention to spend tax-payer dollars to fight non-existent global warming.

A House Full of Scrooges

Indeed, his scorn for what other people want brings to mind another villain of the season, Ebeneezer Scrooge. Scrooge has become an icon of stinginess, so one might ask how these profligate spenders, earmarkers, and borrowers are heirs to the evil of Scrooge. He was a private businessman, the very image of what some imagine all in business to be. Are there such mean-spirited people in business? Of course there are, but the harm they do is limited to their sphere of activity and restricted by law. Not so the Scrooges in government! They can spread their villainy throughout the entire nation and even to the rest of the world. These Scrooges don't spend their money either; they don't just spend the money of taxpayers, but they encumber future generations of taxpayers with trillions of dollars they must borrow. It should also be noted that these Scrooges fit the mold perfectly, as studies show that those on the left are only generous with other people's money and stingy with their own.

Perhaps the biggest “Bah, Humbug” from these Scrooges is their scorn for what the American public want. So many things that candidate Obama promised, knowing what the electorate wanted, he now simply ignores—transparency and posting legislation for public inspection, not raising taxes on those earning under $250,000, truly preserving the right to keep insurance citizens want to keep, or dealing with escalating unemployment. What he doesn't ignore, he simply lies about, and many of those lies are wrapped up in this Christmas present from hell called “comprehensive health care reform.” Requiring every American to buy insurance or face fines or worse isn't a gift. Setting up an unaccountable panel to regulate health care from Washington is not on anyone's wish list. Telling Americans that this fiasco is necessary to prevent bankruptcy of the federal government, especially after spending like an entire navy's worth of drunken sailors, is nothing but a truckload of coals to dump into stockings of Americans.

What should Americans give these Herods and Scrooges for Christmas in return for all they're working so hard to give the country? To start, give them the clear, unrelenting message that this must stop. This country was founded on liberty, individual liberty, and free enterprise; this “reform” monstrosity is a rejection of everything that America stands for. Secondly, give these tyrants bent on forcing their own power-grabbing agenda on unwilling voters a second message, “Your time will end ASAP!” Then, make sure you don't forget to vote these Herods and Scrooges into unemployment, starting next November. Now that will be a Christmas gift worth waiting for!

The good news arrived in 2016 when the Republican Party took over both houses of Congress and the White House.  Alas, another crop of Herods and Scrooges, despite their prior promises and insincere and powerless votes readily vetoed by Obama, when the time came failed to follow through on ending this travesty of government dominated health care.  Forsaking their historic commitment to individual freedom and free markets, they acted like domestic abuse victims afraid to take down their tormentor when the had the power to achieve justice.  The Democrats, the faux Republican conservatives, Hollywood, and the mainstream media--call them the "elites" for that's their true nature and desire--promise to lift the burdens placed on the poor, the minorities, the illegal immigrants, even women; they say they "care," but they seem to care more for their own power, wealth, and status.  Indeed, they are the epitome of Herod and Scrooge.  Dare Tiny Tim say, "God bless us, everyone"?

I'm not going to get into the seeming standoff between this President and Congressional Democrats, including the usual elitists in the background.  Whatever year I might take up this topic, there will be the "usual villains."  We may not always agree as to who they are, but God knows.  Those like Herod will end in ignominy, and those like Scrooge will come to forgiveness and grace and change their ways.  In the end, despite the apparent hopelessness of these earthly realms and their sometimes (too often) oppression and tyranny, our hope in the one born in Bethlehem is "Peace on earth; good will to us lost humans."


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