Christmas Villains
There Had to Be a Herod Already nine years have passed since this sad scenario occurred: 'Tis such an unusual Christmas season when the Senate of the United States works right up to late Christmas Eve, not to give, but to take. Oh, they would tell the citizens they will give them health care, but this present is not a little like Pandora's Box, filled with all manner of bad things. The villain in the Christmas story is King Herod who, on hearing of the birth of the Messiah, sought to destroy his feared rival by killing every baby under 2 years old. How many more babies will die, funded by this health care bill's national abortion funding? Did the soldiers carrying out Herod's orders cringe to do their duty? Surely, the 60% or more 0f the American taxpayers, who regard abortion as destroying life, despise the thought of helping to pay for the executions. Who is Herod? Is it Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson, who sold his soul for his vote in support of the bill he...