
Showing posts from 2010

Two Views of Humanity: Controlled or Free?

Do you have enthusiasm for life? Are you motivated to create, to accomplish something meaningful, to express a yearning that comes from within you? Despite the inevitable problems you face, do you feel good about your life and hopeful for the future? I'm not talking about youthful optimism or having a positive personality; the question is whether you understand life as a challenge to be met or a hopeless venture where you're only a helpless pawn. Do you strive to be a unique individual, untroubled by the plans and opinions of others, or do you allow yourself to become one in the mass of humanity? Do you allow others to control the course of your life? Do you make life an adventure, or do you wait for something to make life exciting for you and often find yourself bored and disappointed? I wish every person could see themselves in the more positive light, but most do not. Many spend their hours in mindless, repetitive activities, not much better than the drugs and alcoh...

The Census, Money, and Other Nonsense

Except for a few quiet, personal rants, I've not been writing much in the political area. I can't be quiet about some things, like the current ads promoting the census. Our Constitution calls for a count of citizens, every 10 years, to properly allocate Congressional districts, but you wouldn't know that if you depended on the promotional announcements the government is sponsoring. They are also incredibly stupid! One features a discussion of a small town and the number of traffic lights needed which, of course, depends on the number of people living and driving there. Another talks about schools , the number of students, and the subsequent need of teachers, books, and facilities. Are they kidding? Do small towns and schools need the federal government to count for them? It's absurd! I would especially worry about schools that weren't capable of determining their needs; such schools certainly should not be educating anyone's children. These spots were w...