The Census, Money, and Other Nonsense

Except for a few quiet, personal rants, I've not been writing much in the political area. I can't be quiet about some things, like the current ads promoting the census. Our Constitution calls for a count of citizens, every 10 years, to properly allocate Congressional districts, but you wouldn't know that if you depended on the promotional announcements the government is sponsoring. They are also incredibly stupid!

One features a discussion of a small town and the number of traffic lights needed which, of course, depends on the number of people living and driving there. Another talks about schools, the number of students, and the subsequent need of teachers, books, and facilities. Are they kidding? Do small towns and schools need the federal government to count for them? It's absurd! I would especially worry about schools that weren't capable of determining their needs; such schools certainly should not be educating anyone's children. These spots were written by morons or by arrogant idiots presuming to write for an audience of morons. Either way, what a waste! How big is the waste? A super bowl ad cost 25 million, the entire campaign 135 million, and then there's the actual waste.

Of course, the real message is in the tag line. "An accurate count determines how much money we get," or something to that effect. In truth, the Constitution says nothing of the sort since it, in fact, presumes no such redistribution of wealth that is the hallmark of this President. The founders must be ready to climb from their graves at such presumption. The very idea that a school or small community would look to Washington for its funding is diametrically opposed to the system of government created by the Constitution. Such a system of taxing, collecting into Washington coffers, and doling out as a few in the Capitol decide, with a healthy percentage kept in their hands, is an indication of how wrong things have gone.

Call it socialism, fascism, oligarchy, or statism--they all apply--one thing is certain; what our present government is doing is not constitutional. Furthermore, it is leading us away from both freedom and prosperity. They may talk about equality or the children, but the outcome will be equally less for everyone, and the children will, in the end, suffer the most.

This administration is the most deceptive of any that I have seen in over half a century. President Obama, regardless of his skin color, is adept at saying one thing while clearly planning another. Stimulus, health care, global warming, and jobs are all mere opportunities for grabbing more money and power, while he appears to care about whatever issue he addresses. The most egregious is the deficit, which he has enlarged more than any other President in history, which he now says he wants to fix. Of course, he won't fix what he broke; he will appoint a commission which, predictably, will suggest more taxes while enabling the President to break another promise.

If I were watching this on TV, I would turn it off as totally unbelievable. Mr. Ripley missed out on an amazing "Believe it or not!"


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