Ostrich Syndrome

 Terrorism is terrorism regardless of color, religion, politics, and nationality.
It's about guns and crazies, bottom line!”
The more Americans who believe this, the happier the terrorists will be. Put your head in the ground, hide from reality, and present those lovely tail feathers as an unprotected target.
  1. We are dealing with one primary brand of terrorism. It is Islamic, radically conservative, but very religious. Whatever you think about Islam in general, these people do NOT practice a “religion of peace.” It comes from nations that dominated by Islam and Sharia law.
  2. Guns and crazies” is such an easy oversimplification. One kind of “crazy” is a crazy religious zealot. They are not medically irrational; they are deeply devout and mentally capable. God didn't say, “Thou shalt not kill” to crazies, but to sinners, and such people are very much sinners. It is nearly impossible to keep such people from getting guns, weapons of any kind.
  3. They other kind of “crazy” is often mentally ill. It's a separate problem altogether. We should do all we can to identify and keep them from getting weapons, not through a general ban, but via a targeted effort directed at the potentially violent. We need to know who they are, because without guns, they may choose some other method to kill or harm others or themselves.
  4. Political correctness is a huge factor in preventing common sense preparation and response for both groups. We don't want to stigmatize either: “Not all Muslims are terrorists,” and “The mentally ill are just sick people like those with physical illnesses.” Both have a “right to privacy.” Except these partially true characterizations must yield a desire to bring death by mass killing and often death by suicide for the “terrorist.”
  5. The government's focus on guns is a distraction and a major avoidance of responsibility. From the White House on down, everyone paying attention knows that the “gun control” wishes of the Left would not have stopped the latest tragedy; those laws are already in effect in California, Washington DC, Chicago, and many other Leftist enclaves. Revoke the Second Amendment and ban guns totally, and the crooks and crazies will still have them or some other kind of weapon. We can't totally close our borders (that many would prefer to leave open), and the guns come as easily as drugs and illegals do now.
  6. The police alone cannot keep us safe. Seriously! By the time the alarm goes out and police in the best scenarios respond, lots of people are already dead and wounded. Gun free zones are safe zones for the crazies!
  7. I believe good people must arm themselves, and I'm happy to hear that gun sales are high. I'm a Christian, and I'd hate to have to take a life. Yet I am seriously considering buying a gun to carry. I'd much rather take the life of a bad person than watch him take the lives of innocents, including people I love. Furthermore, as long as our government seems intent on denying the real problem while it stirs up other problems here at home, wise people must think carefully about how they will protect themselves.
  8. So much is accessible via the Internet—and that includes easy communication with terrorism centers and whatever weapons or resources a cell might want. Islamic radicals are not lone wolves; they are part of a pack. They are not mere crazies; they are evil sinners set, not just against Israel and the West, but against God, truth, Jesus, and those who follow him. This is nearly impossible to separate from Sharia.
  9. It is regrettable that it's hard to separate the radicals from the peaceable among Muslims, but the peaceful ones, of all people, understand. They will not be the protesters, for the most part. They may be afraid, deeply fearful of their radical counterparts, and they will most likely try to be as invisible as they can, hoping for the radicals to fail.
  10. Our danger is increased by a third form of “crazy.” It's the one with “ostrich syndrome” who refuses to face reality. They irrationally look everywhere for an explanation except for the obvious one that is nearly impossible to miss. They are willing to try anything to avoid what is necessary. We are at war, declared not by our side. At heart, it is a religious war, one that has never stopped since the days of Mohammad, part of a greater conflict between the powers of darkness and evil and those who follow the true and the living God. We cannot win this war, but our governmental leaders must fight, if only to restrain the darkness; that is the role God has given human government. They probably can defeat Islamic terror, but not with weakness or platitudes. We who are believers fight on a different plain. Let the unbelieving mock. Prayer is one of our primary weapons—prayer for our leaders, prayer to rescue those now lost to what is false, prayer for peace and safety. Love is another. We will fail in our role if we get lost in hatred, political or ideological argument, or isolation in our Christian bubbles. I don't know God's ultimate plan, so I will work to save my country, its freedoms, and blessings, as I strive to carry out my primary Christian obligations. I will love my neighbors and seek their protection; I will try my best to love my enemies as Jesus taught. I will even pray for each President, even those on the Left whom I oppose in nearly everything they man stand for and do, pray for his eyes to be opened and for him to do the job God has given him...God, not Allah!
One final thought... I have often, over the years, opened my home to those who needed a place. Most recently, that included a young person from an Asian immigrant community who just wanted to get out of his parents' house, and an older man who was homeless when he came, 4 years ago. I believe in helping “refugees,” but I have only 3 bedrooms, and my finances are modest. If I try to take in too many, I will fail to help any of them. Rather obviously, I think, I do not take in complete strangers or casually risk taking in someone I cannot trust. I use common sense, no police background checks, but I am aware and cautious.
Our country has the same obligation, yes, to help, within reason. We do not have unlimited resources, and our country is already deeply in debt. If we overextend our good intentions, the result will be bad for us and for them. If we ignore well-know risks, we are fools, for this is our home we put at risk. Thousands of refugees from where the roots of Islamic terror thrive? Stupid and irresponsible. I wonder how many who say we have an obligation will actually be involved with refugees? It's so easy to fulfill a duty when someone else is doing the work, spending their money, and taking all the risks.


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