
Showing posts from 2016

Ideas That Influence My Vote...and Should Influence Yours

I am writing this to Christians, not nominal Christmas and Easter types, but genuine, humbled-by-their-own-sins, gracious, trying hard to love their most annoying neighbors, Christ-followers. Of course, any interested person can read this, but I'm not interested in a flood of nasty comments that I will simply delete. I don't really want to argue with anyone either. I will happily read kind, thoughtful, well-reasoned responses, meaning you've read this carefully and you have something appropriate to say. I am a Christian, imperfect but God is working on me in his holy patience, and I expect the same from my critics and friends (if there is a difference). I make a fair number of assertions without providing citations; I will add them if there is sufficient interest. The founding and creation of the United States was a divinely guided miracle. Does that make us a Christian nation? Given all the precautions to prevent religious autocracy, I don't think so, at le...

Random Thoughts on the 2016 Presidential Race

          I'm not going to engage in a lengthy debate or argument on the Presidential race, but I do have a few random thoughts to contribute. Before those, I will say this. I do not look to politics or the future of the United States as my ultimate hope; my hope is in God and in the Christ who saved me from my sins, made me his brother and servant, and whose grace, love, and forgiveness are the measure of my relationships with others. I do love the United States and its heritage of faith and freedom; I am proud of the ways in which we have blessed the world, despite mistakes along the way. People want to come here to share in that heritage, and I will do all I can to preserve and restore it, despite those who hate much of that very freedom, prosperity, and faith, assuming of course that God doesn't have other plans. As we are called to love our enemies and not to judge lest we be judged, I believe hating Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, or any other can...