Useful Questions...If You Use Them!
A couple of weeks ago, I suggested that the best way to engage people in constructive conversation about the important issues in our country was to ask questions . I promised then to begin a list of a few questions in some of the major issue areas. This is my first such list. I have tried to ask open-ended questions, the kinds of questions that get people talking without suggesting that you don't really want an answer. Some of these questions require that the asker know something about the issues in question, in fact, most of them do. The purpose in asking is not just to exchange ignorant ideas. For that, we can listen to TV talk shows. In making my list, of course, I'm directing my questions first to you? Their purpose is to get at the heart of some pretty serious issues so that we might work toward a constructive consensus that preserves our freedom and faith. Perhaps you can suggest some better questions or a few that might be added. The goal is to keep the ...