Useful Questions...If You Use Them!
SecondAmendment/GunControl | Who do you trust to keep you safe? Who do you trust to keep you free? Will gun laws keep dangerous people from having guns? |
911/War on Terror | How do we keep terrorists from killing us? How do we preserve our heritage and culture? How do we keep our communities safe without sacrificing our freedom? |
Capitalism/FreeEnterprise | Where does wealth/money come from? Is there a relationship between freedom and free enterprise? |
Constitutionalism/10thAmend. | What does it mean to be a nation of laws? How should the federal government’s power be limited? |
Crime/Punishment/Victims | How do we prevent crime? How do we protect ourselves from dangerous people? |
Education/Schools | Why do we need public schools? How do we give out children the best opportunity for a world-class education? |
Energy/Environment | How does the |
English/Bilingualism | Can the |
Equality/Diversity | What kind of equality is best for our country? In what ways should people be equal? How can we be equal if we are not the same? |
Femininity/Feminism | How are men and women different, and how are they the same? How do you feel about concepts like gender-neutrality? |
FreeSpeech/PC | Should there be any limits on free speech? If so, what should they be? Should people lose their jobs for saying “the n-word” or opposing gay rights? Why? |
HealthCare | What will give us the best, most affordable healthcare? How can the government run the healthcare system without rationing care, as it has happened in |
Immigration/Borders | How should the |
LimitedGovt/IndLib | What risks or benefits come from a government being too big and powerful or too small and weak? What individual freedoms do you regard as the most important? What freedoms are you willing to give up so that the government can take better care of you/us? |
Marriage/GayRights | What do you regard as the best definition of marriage and why? What do you believe to be the cause of homosexuality? |
Morality/Hedonism | What do you regard as morally absolute? Is there any danger in a lifestyle or culture that is excessively sensual, involves substantial drug or alcohol consumption, or is deeply self-centered? |
Opportunity/Poverty | What is the best way to reduce poverty? What is necessary for more people to be able to have good jobs? |
Peacemaking/Strength | How can we make the world or even our communities more peaceful? Is our culture moving toward peace or toward hostility? Do you favor a strong military or aggressive diplomacy? Why? |
Politics&Parties | What are the differences between the two main political parties? Why is liberal or conservative the better way to plan for the future? How do you decide for whom to vote? |
PrivatePropertyRights | For what reasons should the government be allowed to take private property? In what ways should government be able to control what you do with your own property (zoning, environment, etc.)? |
ReligiousLiberty/WallSeparation | In what ways to you feel that our country has become too religious or too secular? How do you feel about the growth of non-Christian religions in |
Republic/Democracy | In what ways are the checks and balances between our three branches of government working or not? Do you feel that you elected representatives are responsive or out of touch? Why? In what ways is the electoral college system for electing the President good or bad? |
SanctityofLife/Choice | How is pro-life or pro-choice position better for the country? When does life begin? How does abortion differ from the execution of capital criminals? What is a stem cell? |
Science/JunkScience | How much has the average global temperature increased in the past 100 years? How are humans responsible for global warming? Who should pay or make the sacrifice to protect the environment? Should juries be able to make decisions that impact science or medicine, even when experts oppose their decisions? Why or why not? |
Sovereignty/UN | How is the UN a force for good in the world? How do you feel about a world-wide system of government? Why should the |
Taxes/Spending | Which is better for the country—raising taxes or cutting spending? Why do you think the way you do? What kind of tax is the best? |
Traditional/SecProgressive | How would you describe your value system? |
Truth/Multiculturalism | What is truth? How is multiculturalism different from tolerance? Is honesty important to you? |
| How do you see the |
WorldViews | If you have a worldview, what is it? Can you identify several major, influential worldviews? Do you feel that the educational, media, and political establishments share or oppose your worldview? |